MUMBLZ MEDIA is making the film FREE TO WATCH right here. No sign up. No BS. Just click the play button and watch
Please explore the site. You can watch the trailer, read about the process of making the film. Read and watch interviews with the film maker and use the FIND HELP page to locate services to help you cope with suicidal thoughts or concerns about a loved one. You can also find there a link to some free online training by the Zero Suicide Alliance about how to talk to someone who you fear could be at risk. It's absolutely great and absolutely free to use. It only takes 20 minutes and could help you to save someone's life
I MADE THIS FOR YOU is a searingly honest British feature film which tackles mental health, depression and suicide head on. A powerful narrative drama about a man, played by Gary Grant, who’s cut himself off from his friends and family and has recently attempted suicide. Now, he’s returned to the edge again. As he stands at the ultimate crossroads he’s surprised to discover that despite his efforts to isolate himself, people haven’t yet given up on him. He unexpectedly receives a documentary made about his life by his worried friend, played by writer and director, Cristian Solimeno. It was described by Mark Dinning, the multi award winning, former editor of Empire Magazine as a Capra film for the 21st century.